Sunday, April 14, 2013

Educational Leaders+Blogs= Redefining Education

I am an advocate for incorporating technology into different aspects of education. I believe that teachers should have and actively update class web pages to stay connected with students and parents, I have seen the positive use of a Facebook page for a school to update parents, and the idea of educational leaders blogging almost makes me giddy! I was excited to see that one of the elements of this week's assignment was to create a blog. I am excited that I will be able to share my successes with colleagues and Lamar University professors.

In our last class, we had to interview two educational leaders. Both of them said that the negative side of being an administrator was that it could be very lonely. I believe that being able to blog and connect with others would create an environment where you could share successes, failures, ideas, and create a support network. This would be a very positive way that educational leaders might use blogs.

I am excited to interact more with my colleagues in this class, since I wasn't able to interact with them much during the previous class.


1 comment:

  1. Mary, first let me say thank you for creating the Facebook page. I think that will be helpful. I too was also excited to join the blogging community. I recently started blogging with my fourth grade students. They love it! In fact their excitement is so motivating. Which just proves that schools really need to incorporate more technology to engage students in learning.
    As the chair of my campus technology team, I recently created a group on Edmodo for the team to begin experimenting with the site. Edmodo has a Facebook format, but it's geared towards educators. Have you heard of it? So far it seems pretty good, but we're just getting started with it.
    I look forward to following your blog. You can follow me at I missed the web conference the other night so I was unable to post my URL.
    I am sorry to hear that you have been ill. I do hope you are feeling better soon.
